
Showing posts from May, 2018

MT19 Appreciation

Entering college at ONU, I knew I would have a small class of people who were in my major from the size of the school and the nature of my “unique” major, musical theatre. Because of this, I hoped deep down that I would be able to get close with my class over the course of four years. Freshman year me had no idea that “close” would be a large understatement for the bond I would create with the people I proudly call MT19. What started as a built-in group of friends has grown into a true family. I know describing a group of friends as a family is sometimes sappy or overused but the bond I feel with the members of MT19 is unlike any other friendship I could have imagined. With them, I have the fiercest support system I’ve ever experienced; we relentlessly encourage each other, whether that be giving each other standing ovations for every performance, helping each other create, practice and pick material, accompanying each other to auditions, or simply praising each other for being a

Measuring for Non-Profits

      In Katie Delahaye Paine’s book, “Measure What Matters,” it gives many tools for how to evaluate your organization’s public relations and online presence. Chapter 13 is dedicated to specifying how these tools are applicable to non-profit organizations. I find this chapter especially helpful for me because arts administration is mostly about non-profits. Chances are, if you’re working in arts management, you’ll be managing a non-profit and it is definitely different from managing a for-profit business. I have taken a whole class for my arts administration minor specifically about non-profit management. Through that class and all my other arts administration classes one of the biggest things I’ve learned is the importance of maintaining a positive, interactive relationship with your audience. Non-profits truly rely on their audience to stay up and running; their audience is also their donors, their main source of support. They have to constantly be making sure their audience is hap